Thursday, February 3, 2011

Man this stinks!

Well, I just spent the last half hour updating people on what things are happening, but when i tried to post it got erased... thats the worst. I do remember that i wrote that I'm really not impressed by third day. I don't get it. But who cares... I am going to make this short cause I don't want to spend another half hour trying to figure out what I wrote.

Worked on the sound system in the youth room, which is called modular three, but i think we need to change the name of that, cause that name totally blows. but everything is working in there now which is awesome cause now we can start to do some stuff... but there is electronic drums which is the lamest thing ever.

Went to the college group tuesday night which was really cool. Everyone was really nice and really encouraging... A girl named Danielle found me a bike like 2 minutes after i mentioned that i needed one. got In & Out afterwards... such a good burger.

yesterday was a little less productive, but it was still fun all the same. found a job posting on craigslist for a wellness/nutrition/spa type thing, and sent an email and the lady called me like 20 minutes after i called in, so i have an interview on monday which is exciting... hopefully its not some totally shady joint, if not, awesome i found a job... It is blowing away how much God is taking care of me and how quickly.

the high school group here is awesome! we met last night (wed) and they are all friends and they were all really nice to me and they all want to learn about God and its just really cool. Also potentially found most of a band, which is great! just need to find a guitar player now.

This morning when we got to the office i set up a table and made myself a little desk and office in the corner that i have been hanging out in, i am a little more official now, which just makes me feel important, which once in a while we need.

Everyday more and more, God affirms that this is what i am supposed to be doing which is really exciting, cause it was a big step of faith, but He rewards our faithfulness...

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