Wednesday, February 9, 2011

jungle cat!

So today is Wednesday... Tonight we start worship for the High School at church so it will be fun and interesting. Lets hope it goes well... Last night was the first night since I have been here that I have slept through the night... It was so wonderfu!... On Monday night I got my bike which is a huge blessing cause now I can roll all over town. It is definietley a girls bike that has been painted grey for my benefit. Its not so much the low female crotch bar, but the butterflies all over the seat that give it away. I have decided that they are dragons... They are pretty cruel too.

I know someone is going to think that I am sick for this but it must be shared all the same, more as a way for me to explain and express how sorry I am about it... We were sharing prayers requests at our college group last night and a girl who shall go nameless shared that during the Super Bowl her aunt's new kitten died. At first we all felt really bad and a collective awww went up from the group... she then began to explain the nature of the young cat's demise.... her other aunt brought over her two siberian huskies.... she then began to explain how these two dogs got a hold of this new innocent sweet adorable kitten and proceded to rip it to shreds.... the story was rather detailed.... it took everything inside of me to hold in my emotions, but in the end I proved to weak to contain myself... I relesed one of those nose pig grunt restrained laughs that often sends snot out of your nose... and only one other person shared my level of emotion about the situation... I tell this story not to mock this girl or to say i think its funny that someones kitten is dead.... but the way this story was presented just took me to an emotional level that just freaked me out and i could not contain my feelings... I love cats and I hate when they die, and I am sorry for my actions.... but the mental picture of this situation is oustanding.... simply stunning....

I miss my dog

Five Iron Frenzy is great

Combo of the day.... Chillax... classic.. chill and relax... chillax... nuff said....

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