Sunday, October 17, 2010

I'm back!

Hello again to the 2 people that follow my blog, John-Mark I know at least will read it. Its good to be back to the world of the blog... I lasted 6 days on my first time out, and i just got lazy and sleepy so i stopped. Not realizing how long it had been and today the aforementioned John-Mark made a comment about the blog, so i decided to start up again and see how it goes.

Let me catch you up on whats been happening with life over the last month and a half or so. First of all, things with Christ City Ministries are moving along well. In 6 weeks 11 people have made first time decisions for Christ and we've had 2 re-dedications, which just blows me away. We have met some really cool people and are starting to build relationships with some of them which is the whole idea. we plan to open up our friday night club night event in mid November so check that out as it gets closer.

Three of the last 4 weekends (not including this one) i have been all across the map for weddings. I lived with 6 guys in college in my townhouse. 4 of them have gotten married since April, 3 since late September. Erie, PA, and in the last 4 weeks, Ohio; Charlotte, NC; and Long Island. Lots of time spent in cars, but they were all great. Weddings are so much fun when its your friends getting married.

I am exhausted in many different ways so i am afraid this is all the blog you get today. not even a combo of the day... false

Manwich- a name brand of  Sloppy Joe, but literally a Man Sandwich.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Scooter race

Are you ready for some football? First monday night game and its a defensive struggle. Good stuff. I do hate the jets though so i'm hoping the Ravens pull this one out. Plus I have decided to pardon Ray Lewis of murder after his incredible Old Spice commercials. I'm loving what he is doing right now.

today while on my way to class i was driving down main street and i saw not one but two overweight men driving scooters down the sidewalk. I like to assume that one was chasing the other. It was an amusing scene, but to add to it, the man being chased had an eye patch. A little bit of sidewalk scooter swashbuckling. Thats what i like to see.

am i the only one that thinks that Mark Sanches is stupidly overrated? I'm not too wacko for Flacco right now either though... he has been overthrowing recievers all night.

For any of you that remember Groundzero, the student center at Eastern Hills Wesleyan Church, we are bringing it back. Its not going to be a part of EHWC, but it is what we are going to call our cafe club thing for Christ City. Had a good meeting with J-Who today and we got some big plans for this thing. If you are interested in volunteering in the city or donating money or other things, let me know. We are gonna need a lot of help, but God has given us a vision of what we gotta do and we are gonna get it done.

Man, Sanchez is freaking out!

I know during the day I had a lot more things to say..... I might have to get the notebook back...
I did accidentally hawk a lougy on my dog today... That was kinda gross... It was like in Sinbad's movie "First Kid" When he slow-mo jumps in front of the bullet.... Thats kinda what happened here... The lougy left my mouth and in slow motion my dog ran by and got nailed in the hind leg...

My lizard ate 2 baby mice today... That was great. El Guapo is the greatest.

I just saw a person on TV with face paint, a wig, a stupid hat and an old school chiefs jersey screaming at the top of his lungs..... with a blue tooth in his ear. I hate it when people walk around with blue teeth. If you are in the car, sure use it. Even if you are walking around doing something, but the people that walk around not talking to anybody, just wearing the blue tooth in case someone calls. Antonio Gates just scored... he's on my fantasy team. Its usually business people that aren't really that important to their company, but they want to feel important so they wear that old blue tooth. It really sends a signal to me that people don't really like you that much so you are trying to seem more important than you really are. What phone call are you going to answer while you are at a football game? And how do you expect to hear them when you are on a blue tooth?  Stupid people.

Oh well, I don't care.

In honor of a terrible game, Manchez - Mark Sanchez
"Man did you see Manchez play tonight? bad..."
"yeah how bout that game against the Bills last year where Manchez threw like 6 picks...."

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Never Forget

I know I'm sick for saying it, but 9/11 make a wish. When you are finished filling out an application for my incarceration at Guantanimo I will explain. A few years ago I was driving in the car and the clock read 9:11 and he declared 9:11 make a wish! You need to understand that he isn't the brightest ever and he got confused with the expression 11:11 make a wish. So pretty much after that it stuck. When we play ping pong and the score is 9-11 we declare 9-11 make a wish. we even go to the point where if it is 9-10 or 8-11 we give up the point so we can have a score of 9-11. I realize that some people are going to think that I'm a totally sick person who doesn't appreciate national tragedies but you people need to just get over yourself.

But seriously, nine years ago there was the greatest attack on the United States in over 60 years. Thousands of lives were lost and hundreds more were given in service on that day and the days after. We remember those who lost and gave their lives and those that continue to do so protecting our freedoms. I joke all the time, but what happened on that day is no joke and we need to not forget what is going on in our world. Its not just extremists with planes. Its gangs on the streets, its kids in college, its men, women, kids, political leaders, famers and city folk. We are killing each other. We live in a fallen world corrupted by the sin that we so freely indulge in. There is only one hope for freedom and their is only one escape for all the pain in the world. Lets just hope that we can continue to share the light to the world.

On a lighter note, I had a great fantasy draft tonight. Saw my aunt and uncle from NC and my cousin and her husband and kids from Chicago. I think too often we don't appreciate our family. Family is the best! Specifically mine. My family is the best!

Today was our first "Hit the Streets" event for Christ City Ministries. It was amazing. We went down to True Worship Church down on Walden. It was amazing. We were in one of the poorest communities in Buffalo. We just went out in front of the church with a cooler full of pop and a playlist of music and started handing out free pop and water. We took the chance to talk to people and get to know some people and pray with some people. I have been on a few overseas missions trips, domestic trips to reservations, service projects downtown, and I honestly felt like i was on a missions trip to another country. Its amazing how different is when you cross over one intersection. One side of Walden Ave. is nice plazas and neighborhoods. My uncle lives on one side of Harlem, and as soon as you cross over Harlem its an instant change. We entered a different world and there are people so close to us that are living such a different life than us (us being middle class white kids and adults) To get an opportunity to get down there and meet people and hopefully start to change some lives is such a cool thing. The best thing is that we are gonna be their every week. God is gonna do some amazing things with this ministry.
 check us out @!/pages/Buffalo-NY/Christ-City-Ministries/146518998709599?ref=ts and

Its Saturday and you all know what that means, a preview of the Bills game which will probably be over by the time you read this so maybe next week I will do this on Friday... Well we are playing the Dolphins. Its the home opener. Though this game will probably carry less meaning than the Bills Dolphins games used to, there is no question that The Ralph is gonna be hoppin. The Bills are debuting their new offense and defense under first year coach Chan Gailey. The Dolphins are changing up their 3-4 a little with new coordinator Mike Nolan. Bottom line is if the Bills young offensive line can protect Trent Edwards and open up some running lanes for CJ Spiller they might have a chance. The defense is going to need top production from their defensive backs, but even with this they are going to have a tough time against a Dolphins running game that is very good behind backs Ronnie Brown and Ricky Williams. If the Bills can keep those two in check and make Chad Henne win the game, there might be a chance. All in all it is the beginning of a season that probably won't be too great. But its the Bills, so what do you expect. All the same, GO BILLS!

Garybeth- A rather personal combo, the combonation of my father Gary and my mother Marybeth

"Hey Greg, are Garybeth coming up for graduation?"

Have a great first day of football, enjoy your games and remember that no matter what the people tell you, there is no sex in the champagne room

Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Day The Music Died

Well hello what have we here? (Lando) a thursday that had so much promise turned into a thursday that lived up to most of those expectations. i was supposed to go with my boy J-Who downtown to check out this church that we are gonna use for a Christ City event, but his wife was sick and he had to watch his kid or something like that, i'm not a doctor, so we didn't end up going but thats ok, we'll get out there some day. I did enjoy 2 showers today which was a change of pace. I do have some sort of fringe rash on my armpits. Its not engulfing the whole thing, but on the back edge before pit turns to back. Its been about a week. I'm not sure if it is my deodorant or something else.

I think that Cheerios smell like poop. Maybe specifically some certain kind of poop, but i did a poop this morning and it smelled like Cheerios. Don't get me wrong, I love Cheerios, but maybe I also love poop.

The Relentless Cure (My friends band that I am managing) had their first sort of real gig tonight. It was a back to school bash for the middle school youth group at my church. Needless to say there was a bit of rust, but it was a good start. Things are very up in the air right now, but I am excited as is the rest of the band for the possibilities, even though a certain self-proclaimed Christian Music Guru doesn't think its that great, but i don't think his music is that great either so it my word against his and I am writing the blog so put that in your pipe and smoke it, guy who thinks he knows more about music than me... yeah! It was a good night for the youth group though. Of course Clarence, my alma mater, represented and rose to the challenge and brought the most kids. Go Devils! (thats our mascot, I'm not encouraging any demons or devils)

Football started tonight and needless to say, Brett Favre looked like a favrety-one year old man tonight (the number 4 is being retired from the numerical system and being replaced by favre) 171 passing yards 1 td and 1 int. That was a Trent Edwards like performance. The saddest part is that they held the saints to only 14 points. The game was on Grandad and he didn't show up. I will say that i expected more from the much hyped NFC Championship rematch, but its always the over-hyped games that end up sucking and the stinkers that turn good. Lets hope the rest of this week is better games. I know the Bills Dolphins game should be better, but we won't discuss that today.

The British have like a thousand more words than us. It sucks. The have like 16 different words for balls. Its brilliant!

My dog just now went outside to go to the bathroom and came in with something brown smeared on her but right next to her tail. "Oh great," I though, "The dog has once again had a bad poop and not gotten to get it all of, has spun around and sat right in her own steaming pile of soft serve." After close inspection, she did sit down in something, but not her own poo. As it turns out, she sat down on a dead rotten decomposing worm and the one end was intact and hanging in her fur while the other end was sufficiently smashed up and rotten worm guts were smeared in her hair. I just cut it off.

I went to feed my dog and a dead mouse fell out of the bag. I assume he went in there to ear dog food, (I would). The only problem is that he is a mouse and too stupid to get out. So he is good and dead. Stupid moron.

On Thursdays we will take a look at a sports mascot, going city by city. We will start of course with the most beloved of mascot of the best city in the world, Buster T. Bison from the Buffalo Bisons, AAA farm team affiliate of the New York Mets.
Buster, along with his little buddy Chip and me at a Bison's game. We don't really know much about buster, but I have had him sign several baseballs and he has had many varying uniforms over the years, but he has always been the same. Chip is pretty cute and you can't not love him. I remember one time in elementary school Buster came to an assembly but since mascots don't talk i really don't know what the point was... probably to tell us not to do drugs, but sadly for many of those young impressionable minds, Buster's message went unheard.... ya get it? heard? herd? bisons? its clever.

Today's youtube video is a lovely cover of the outrageously popular classic "Never Gonna Give You Up" by Rick Astley, known simply as Rick Roll. If you'll remember our friend Tay Zonday, for his classic "Chocolate Rain" (if not, please watch this and any other Tay Zonday videos you want to watch...) Well Tay jumps into the Karaoke field with his very well done cover of this 80's classic. Enjoy.

Freefill - Free Refill (when you get free refills of fountain drinks at restaurants.
"Does the strawberry lemonade come with freefills? I know pop usually does but sometimes special drinks don't. If there is no freefill I don't want it."

Its Friday! Enjoy the almost weekend!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Point It At The Deck!

Well my experimtent with the composition notebook has already failed. I didn't write a single thing in it today... In fact I didn't do much of anything today. I did make a homemade pizza from scratch. I would say it was a success. Yeast smells like crap. Luckily for everyone however I did write enough stuff in my book yesterday that I can still share some of it. I choose not to though. Its all pretty stupid.

Discussing yesterday's video... If you ever just listen to someone playing call of duty, it is just a constant stream of cussing and talking like you think you are in the military... I know we all have some deep urge to be part of a battle or something, but come on. Its odd. Oh well. Just another thing that is ruining America's future leaders. Its gonna just be the sheltered kids who couldn't play video games that are gonna care about anything.

I bought these pretzels at ALDI the other day... HOLY CRAP! Its like someone dipped them in butter. I ate some on an egg salad sandwich yesterday... changed my life. I also realized today that I am pretty that french onion dip and ranch dressing are the same thing. If this is common knowledge then I am sorry for wasting your time on what I think is a pretty amazing revelation. But as they say, "Its not the chip its the dip!"

From now on, every wednesday I am going to profile a Star Wars character. If you don't know yet, Star Wars is the best trilogy to ever be ruined by a crappier trilogy trying to enhance the original trilogy.(Sweet child of mine is playing in the background) This week we are going to take a look at the best Star Wars character of them all. A man who needs no introduction. A man who makes Carl Weathers look like Woody Allen. I am referring of course to Lando Calrissian, played by the great Billy D. Williams (Brian's Song, Batman)
Let's take a deep look at Lando. Lando started out as a gambler and smuggler where he met Han Solo, but soon moved on to a respectable life as he became "the administrator of this facility." (Cloud City). He was betrayed by the Empire and soon found himself as a general in the Rebel Alliance. Lando is by far the coolest Star Wars character for a few reasons. The most obvious is that he is a classy cape wearing pimp from the 70's. He is the only black guy in Star Wars (except that one random rebel pilot that explodes in New Hope.) Lando also has the best lines of any star wars character. 
as well as great lines like "NO WAIT I THOUGHT YOU WERE BLIND!" "A LITTLE HIGHER JUST A LITTLE HIGHER!" "AAAGHHGHGHAAIAIIHGGGAAAAHHH!" "Having a little trouble with your droid?" and of course the greatest, "Somebody must have told you about my little maneuver at the Battle of Tinab." He has a guy that has a robot brain or something like that and he lives in the clouds probably surrounded by countless attractive women. Hands down he is the manifestation of George Lucas' inner pimp. He is everything that George wanted to be and nothing that he is. Something to notice from the movies, when any one refers to Han Solo it is pronounced Honn, or hahn,(ryhmes with on) but when when Lando is around everyone says hann (rhymes with man) This man is so great that people change other people's names for him. He is the man!


Now I have been using Old Spice swagger deodorant for a few years and I love it, so i appreciate Ray's decision to use it. Ray Lewis is now, after watching this video, innocent in my eyes of any murder that he may or may not have been involved in. This is brilliant! I hereby drop all charges against him. You are free to go Mr. Lewis.

Swacket- A combination of a sweater and a jacket.
"Jeff, thats a really nice swacket... Salvation Army?"
well folks, I hope that you have enjoyed today, I have. hurray for Freedom. As Charlie always says, Rock Flag and Eagle!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Composition Notebook

At the dollar store today I bought a mini composition notebook with which to write down my musings. I don't know if every day will be as packed as today, but I observed a lot that I need to express.

I was at TOPS today doing some light grocery shopping (1 cucumber, a bottle of blu cheese and a bottle of sweet baby rays) and as I was walking in I noticed a man in one of those motorized scooters rolling out to a huge handi-accessible conversion van....

Thats all well and good, but I soon realized that this very old, possibly senile man was alone. This would normally only concern me if he was driving directly in front or behind me but I stopped and thought for a second. Its safe to say that this man can't walk. He is in a motorized scooter that is clearly his because he is loading himself into his van on the ramp. If he can't walk, its safe to say that he can't use his legs very well. Who in the New York State DMV gave this man permission to operate a motor vehicle? especially one that is capable of going head to head against a small bus. Now maybe this man has some mobility in his legs but am I to assume that there is enough action down there to suddenly switch from gas to brake in an instant? If there is any kind of emergency this man is plowing his transport into oncoming traffic setting off a Tom Cruise action sequence that would cost thousands in tax-payer money to clean up. Lets think about it DMV... don't let legless people drive huge death rams. I don't have anything against handicapped people, in fact I'm sure one day I will be one, but come on. There are just some things you can't do. Why do they put braille on drive up ATM's? I know they probably have to because someone complained, but do we really live in such a politically correct culture that we would encourage blind people to get behind the wheel and make cash withdrawls from their local automated teller? whats next? where will it end?

Speaking of handicapped people, I came to a sad realization today. I am taking two classes at my local community college because I need some random stray credits. I'm not sure if it is the goal of this fine institution to train people into ruining America, but going to community college is like going to Wal-Mart. I can last about 15 minutes in Wal-Mart before I start to lose it. It is the kind of place that just makes me lose my faith in the future of humanity... I will however continue to shop there cause they got cheap stuff and you can return things that you got at a garage sale and they won't ask you any questions. I am fairly certain that the people that are in your average local community college are the same people that inhabit the Wal-Mart. I don't think they even go there to shop. They just go to linger. Maybe they go to watch TV or something or just sift through the two for ten movie bin, I don't know, but there is something going on in that place... My dad thinks they use lead pipes.

It seems that I am using today to vent my confusions and frustrations. There is little in this world that frustrates me more than LOL. It isn't even the fact that people say it way too much. Sure when you have nothing better to say, you say lol. I understand. You don't have enough social skills to formulate a coherent response to something that someone says to you have to say "laugh out loud". You aren't even really saying that you are laughing out loud or that it is something appropriate to laugh out loud at. you are just proclaiming, "Laugh Out Loud!"
           "I just smashed my head into the sliding glass door LAUGH OUT LOUD!"
           "I didn't study for the SAT's and I got a 660 LAUGH OUT LOUD!"
           "My cat got hit by a snow plow LAUGH OUT LOUD!"
      I just don't understand, and not only that I think it is really retarding a whole new generation of people. I work with middle school and high school students and most of them say LOL or LMAO or ROGN or HJSKOI or JHAKKDUNEBBBDUUHOWJHNDLBGF. What do these things mean? its very confusing. people write no instead of know, U instead of you, they don't use punctuation. The English language is being bastardized. people don't know how to write or talk. I blame all of this on LOL.

Another thing that frustrates me is the Dodge/Chrysler/Plymouth Neon. It is possibly the crappiest car since the YUGO (possibly with the exception of the Dodge Shadow) and it is the one car that suburban white kids who want to seem gangster decide to trick out. They do it in such a way that the actual car hasn't improved at all. There is still a red passenger door on the white car. A nice new spoiler and some subs that are as big as trash can lids, but the car itself is still a rusted out sh*t box. You know when these kids roll around wearing their jean shorts (jorts, incidental combo) and their fitted skateboard brand hat because you can hear them coming. You don't hear a really smooth base beat rolling down the street, you hear the rattle of the car. The muffler is held on by zip ties but that doesn't matter because soon enough the percussion waves from the 46 inch subs is going to tear through them and the lack of a muffler will just add to the noise pollution that is bouncing down the street at 43 miles an hour. Nothing says wigger like jorts and a neon.

Today in Astronomy class my professor said "right dead nuts on."

youtube video of the day... If you like Call of Duty and play on line (or any game for that matter) you will appreciate this.

Combo of the Day:
Turducken- A chicken in a duck in a turkey
"Man this Turducken is freaking delicious! who thought that there could be such an animal?"
Today's combo deserves a video to go with it
John takes it to a whole new level with the Turduckendia... enjoy
happy thanksgiving everybody!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Day 1

Well this is my first step into the blog-o-sphere... is that the correct term? I don't really know. It seems like there are a lot of people out there blogging and even vlogging their opinions and there fancies and other such rubbish that I might as well contribute to the massive amount of cyber-polution that is on the interwebs. I wonder if it will be worth it, but alas here we go. Will this be my passport to digital adventure or just a massive waste of time? who can really say? I think that my blog will be a mixture of the life lessons that God is teaching me, some things that I observe about the world, what is going on with my life, maybe throw a political twist in there just for kicks, and of course a weekly impression of the Bills game. So lets get this thing started....

I have been on a 6 month journey that started with heartbreak and depression and the loss of a very close friend and has turned into the best thing that has happened to me in a long time. I reached a point where I was at rock bottom and the only thing left was for God to pick me up and say, "Hey! YOU! I'M RIGHT HERE! LET ME HELP!" so I listened to Him and let Him help. Realizing that nothing that I have is of my own doing was a pretty huge milestone for me. When you are broken you are humbled and only when you are humble before God can He really start to work through you. With that being said, God has shown me a lot of really cool things over the last 2 months. Sure I still don't have a real job, I paid a lot of money for a school to teach me how to be a pastor and it seems like no one really wants me to be one except for the people that can't make me one. Thats ok though, because I think God has something planned for me that I can't get working in a church. Which leads me to my next thought. Christ City Ministries ( ) is something that my friends and I are starting up. Its going to start as a street ministry in downtown Buffalo, and who knows what it will expand to. We have a dying city and it is time that someone does something because there are a lot of people that don't have any hope and we know exactly where they can put their hope. So this is going to be exciting. Hurray for doing stuff!

I got to thinking today... why do guys still get their sideburns completely shaved off when they get a hair cut? doesn't make any sense to me. Your hair is supposed to grow their you bafoons! ahahahahahah! anyways, I got some new fish today. I now have way too many goldfish in my room, but i love them so who cares. also my dog had some poop left on her butt when she came in and decided to wipe it all over my sister's bed. 

I don't really have anything left to say i think so I am probably should be sleeping now. I wish I had something more interesting to say but its just day one. chill out people. relax.... man oh man.

Combo Of The Day: Hanitizer - Hand Sanitizer.
They just installed hanitizer dispensers in all the bathrooms on campus! Awesome! Now I can not wash my hands and not look like a total grossbag!