Monday, September 6, 2010

Day 1

Well this is my first step into the blog-o-sphere... is that the correct term? I don't really know. It seems like there are a lot of people out there blogging and even vlogging their opinions and there fancies and other such rubbish that I might as well contribute to the massive amount of cyber-polution that is on the interwebs. I wonder if it will be worth it, but alas here we go. Will this be my passport to digital adventure or just a massive waste of time? who can really say? I think that my blog will be a mixture of the life lessons that God is teaching me, some things that I observe about the world, what is going on with my life, maybe throw a political twist in there just for kicks, and of course a weekly impression of the Bills game. So lets get this thing started....

I have been on a 6 month journey that started with heartbreak and depression and the loss of a very close friend and has turned into the best thing that has happened to me in a long time. I reached a point where I was at rock bottom and the only thing left was for God to pick me up and say, "Hey! YOU! I'M RIGHT HERE! LET ME HELP!" so I listened to Him and let Him help. Realizing that nothing that I have is of my own doing was a pretty huge milestone for me. When you are broken you are humbled and only when you are humble before God can He really start to work through you. With that being said, God has shown me a lot of really cool things over the last 2 months. Sure I still don't have a real job, I paid a lot of money for a school to teach me how to be a pastor and it seems like no one really wants me to be one except for the people that can't make me one. Thats ok though, because I think God has something planned for me that I can't get working in a church. Which leads me to my next thought. Christ City Ministries ( ) is something that my friends and I are starting up. Its going to start as a street ministry in downtown Buffalo, and who knows what it will expand to. We have a dying city and it is time that someone does something because there are a lot of people that don't have any hope and we know exactly where they can put their hope. So this is going to be exciting. Hurray for doing stuff!

I got to thinking today... why do guys still get their sideburns completely shaved off when they get a hair cut? doesn't make any sense to me. Your hair is supposed to grow their you bafoons! ahahahahahah! anyways, I got some new fish today. I now have way too many goldfish in my room, but i love them so who cares. also my dog had some poop left on her butt when she came in and decided to wipe it all over my sister's bed. 

I don't really have anything left to say i think so I am probably should be sleeping now. I wish I had something more interesting to say but its just day one. chill out people. relax.... man oh man.

Combo Of The Day: Hanitizer - Hand Sanitizer.
They just installed hanitizer dispensers in all the bathrooms on campus! Awesome! Now I can not wash my hands and not look like a total grossbag!


  1. haha... "also my dog had some poop left on her butt"... hilarious.

    Really, very cool about Christ City Ministries! I send you much luck, good thoughts and prayers with starting it up!! yay indeed for doing things! :)

    lee :P

  2. thanks Lee. I appreciate my first ever comment. It inspires me to continue on my journey through the hyperwebs.

  3. Loving the blog, greg....i will most look forward to the "combo of the day". you are awesome!!!

  4. thanks marty... can't wait to see you! you got a blog on this deal?
