Tuesday, September 23, 2014

An Adorable Snack

 If you have ever been to Cayman there's a chance you have been to the Turtle Farm and if you have, you know my new found joy. If you haven't, when you come visit me we will go. This place is awesome! You walk through the main gate and you are greeted by a big pool filled with sea turtles!
Understandably this was one of the cooler things I have seen in the animal world. It was almost as awesome as when I saw wild elephants for the first time. You grow up hearing about sea turtles and how awesome and endangered they are and then you get to see them face to face. This is really a special experience. Then you realize that there are probably 50 big sea turtles in the giant concrete tank. It honestly gave me some Blackfish flashbacks. You find yourself a little torn as you see these animals that would travel great distances out in the open ocean and they just swim around in circles. You soon realize a few things however. The first thing that you realize is that this is a farm. These turtles are raised commercially for their meat. So, you don't feel as bad. The second thing you realize is that these animals are incredibly endangered so, unlike our good friend Tilikum, there aren't a lot of these guys out there in the open ocean and the other side of this operation is that they release a good number of the turtles that they raise. You then find yourself, once again, overwhelmed with how awesome this place is. You then move on and you find yourself standing over tanks filled with little sea turtles. You look around and see people reaching in and catching them as they swim by and you realize, "holy crap, I'm about to hold a sea turtle!" and then you grab him!

 He's so tiny and cute! It was a pretty incredible experience that promised to only get better. I was told of The Lagoon! The lagoon is a place where you can actually go swim with sea turtles. My dreams were unfolding before my very eyes. I was so excited and I couldn't quite contain myself. We approached the lagoon and I got some bad news. It had closed just before we had gotten there. I was disappointed but I just decided that I will have to come back and swim with the turtles another time. 

When you come visit me, lets go ride some turtles!

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