Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Woah! Its been 8 months?

Naturally when I sit down and realize that its been 8 months since my last post, it scares the crap out of me. Where has all the time gone? No clue. But for the 12 people following my blog and any who have randomly strayed onto my blog, let me update you. I promise next post will be back to nonsense.

So Last we talked I was in sunny Southern California, living the dream enjoying a winter vacation free of charge. Unfortunately dreams don't last. Mid February I got an email from my buddy Nate trying to seduce me into moving to Georgia and taking over his youth group as he and his wife Steph would be moving to Illinois for grad school. Long story short, I wound up in Georgia. Macon, Georgia to be exact. "What the heck is in Macon?" You may ask... well let me tell you. If your zipper says YKK on it, it was made in Georgia. If you are listening to any music by the Allman Brothers, Otis Redding, or Little Richard, it was made in Macon. If you were recently mugged or stabbed or chopped up into little pieces, chances are, it happened in Macon. If you recently stopped at a 7/11, Chipotle, or Toys 'R Us, you were NOT in Macon.

While Macon does leave a lot to be desired, there is something about this small town that has captured me. I don't know quite what it is. It might be that, much like Buffalo, it is a town that is suffering from a ever worsening economy, a serious lack of respect from the bigger cities in the state, the small town feel, the awesome old people at my church, the southern hospitality that is too good to be true or just the fact that its the middle of October and I can drive around with the top down on my Jeep. This town is just a perfect fit and I couldn't be happier than I am right here (unless of course I was in Buffalo)

I am working at Riverside United Methodist Church and my new church and church family have been so awesome it blows me away. For the first month I was here, things were great because Nate was still here and we just coasted through the summer and it was fun. Then the next month was great because I was still coasting through the summer even though Nate had left. Then I went on vacation and came back to a bit of a shakeup and in a very short time I went from being in charge of Student Ministries to also being the new worship leader (for the time being). A whole new adventure and a lot of learning to go along with it.

As of right now everything is going really well and things are progressing and getting better every week. With our Wednesday night programming we have been getting 2 or 3 new students each week and our numbers are steadily going up. With worship things are getting better every week as we gel more and more as a band.

I also got a new puppy so having two kids has been another challenge. I just realized that. But its fun.

My brain is pretty much fried today, but i will back soon with my usual stupidities. Take care and God Bless!